Goats Update: big travel announcement For 2020

We’ve literally just booked our next big trip and yes, this is a big one! We’re not just travelling, we’ll also be living in some of the most romantic cities in the world, spending some time living like a local and also renting a car for a bit to drive around and explore a lot more of these countries. 

In this post, we’re going to announce our next big travel plans for 2020, which is in just a few days!

Live video trip Announcement
Why Are We Going?
Minne olemme menossa?
How Are We getting There?
How long will We Go For?
What You Can expect From The Blog
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Live video trip Announcement

Why Are We Going?

In 2019 we successfully used Grenada in the Caribbean as our home base. We’ve been returning to this beautiful bit island considering that we first came on a pet sitting job back in 2014. We love it here and because it’s well-connected to new York and Miami, it’s actually not a bad place to fly out of when we go travelling.

We also have a great group of friends here, a great house and a lifestyle that we love. but after spending half of 2019 here and nearly all of 2018, we’re ecstatic about a new adventure.

Grenada is a paradise. There are so lots of things to do here. White sand beaches, diving, sailing, mountains, hikes, waterfalls, friendly people… it’s incredible.

But when we stay here for a long time, we start to crave a bit of city life.

This is likely because of the fact that we live outside of the main “cities” in Grenada, so any time we want to go to a respectable restaurant or go out for some drinks with friends, we have to drive for nearly a half an hour.

This doesn’t sound like a big deal, and really it’s not, but for any individual who has driven at night in Grenada, you’ll know the roads aren’t the easiest to drive in the dark. There are people on the street, goats, dogs and a lot potholes along the way…and being high-beamed the entire drive isn’t all that fun!

This indicates that Dariece and I often end up staying at home after dark and don’t often venture out to have a “night out”.

We love it here though! Don’t get me wrong. Grenada is our home, so we use this time around to relax, get work done and take pleasure in the beautiful nature around our house. but after a few months, we’re ready to be “in the thick of it” again.

Grenada is a great home base and place to get some work done

That’s why for our next trip, we’re moving into apartments in the center of a few cities to explore as locals, enjoy a large variety of restaurants and cafes, take part in some nightlife, and take pleasure in amenities that only cities can offer.

It seems humorous to say because lots of people would love to live in the Caribbean, but just as you need a holiday from the hustle and bustle of the city, often it’s great to have a break from peace and quiet and head into society for a sillä aikaa.

Minne olemme menossa?

Here it goes, the big travel announcement. We are going back to Europe!

This might not be as exciting for some of you who have followed us considering that we backpacked through central Asia, hitchhiked through Africa, or explored the middle East, but depend on me… it’s exciting for us. We can’t wait.

Europe has been calling us back for a long time. even though we’ve spent a considerable amount of time travelling around the continent, we’ve spent a lot of of our time in the East. this time around we want to live and travel around a lot more of Western Europe.

While we do have some things planned and booked, there are a few service conferences in the area that we would like to attend, and if a press trip pops up, we’ll consider agreeing to that as well.

This trip is about being digital Nomads, while working from our laptops and experiencing living in different places.

2019 ended on a massive “low” for us in both our service and personal lives, so we’re looking forward to focusing a lot on our website, getting inspired by new destinations, and spending quality time with one another in these romantic European cities!


We’ve actually never been to France, so we’re very ecstatic to finally visit Paris. We will only be in the city for a few days before flying to our next destination, so we won’t be able to see anything but the capital (we like to travel slower), but we’ve rented a adorable Airbnb apartment or condo in Paris ideal near the Eiffel Tower and we’ll be exploring as lots of of the neighbourhoods as we can in the time we’re there.We wanted to see a different side of Paris as well while we’re there, so we booked some experiences with locals through Airbnb. If you haven’t yet taken a look at Airbnb Experiences yet, you need to go download the app or check out the web site to find countless cool excursions you can make with locals around the world.

Use Our Airbnb Coupon: You might as well take advantage of our Airbnb voucher Code while you’re at it. simply sign-up for your first account with Airbnb using our link and you’ll get $40 off your first booking and $15 off your first experience.

The experiences we have booked in Paris are a chef’s table dinner in a Parisian chef’s home and a white wine and cheese tasting experience… yum. We also booked a complimentary walking excursion on our first day to take us to some of the lesser-known parts of the city.

While planning our trip to Paris, we realized that the city is actually quite complicated and not that easy to conquer, so we plan on sharing with you people exactly how we got around, what neighbourhoods we like the most (there are a lot more than a dozen in the old town alone) and a lot more off-track places we find.


This is another city that has been on our European container list for years. We checked out Spain back in 2011, but we only went to the far south. We were in the country for just a week but we checked out Malaga, Estepona and Rhonda. We liked those three towns actually, so it’s unusual that we haven’t returned until now.

Since checking out Spain, we’ve heard so lots of people rave about Barcelona and lots of digital nomads are also moving there. So we rented an apartment or condo in Gracia for a week and we’ll be using it as our base to explore the city. We joined an “Uncensored Underground walking Tour” of the city (again through Airbnb Experiences) and will be inspecting out the red light district and some of the a lot more seedy parts of Barcelona.

It will be fascinating to see the underbelly of the city and get a better understanding of why it is the way it is. 

Even though this is our first time in Barcelona, we’re well aware that it is the pickpocketing capital of the world, so we’ll absolutely be going low-key and keeping a close grip on our belongings, but crime hasn’t deterred us from travelling places before, so Barcelona will be no different. 

We also booked a tapas and white wine walking excursion which, if you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know is ideal up our alley. As we have a bit a lot more time in Barcelona, we hope to get some work done during the mornings and then head out and explore during the afternoons.

Again we’ll be coming out with guides and articles about things to perform in Barcelona on this blog so stay tuned.


From Barcelona, we fly to Rome.

Ah, Rome. There is just something about this city. When the end of 2019 had some pretty severe lows, Dariece and I both sat down and thought: “Where is our delighted place?”

The answer is always, Rome.

Ancient history, tasty wine, extraordinary food and being surrounded by people who have a passion for life. Where better than Rome?

We’ve been to Rome before, but this time around we plan to stay for around 3 weeks. This is when we’ll really be settling down a bit and living like locals. We have rented an apartment or condo in the Trastevere neighbourhood where we’ll base ourselves to explore a lot more of not just the city, but also some of the small towns and villages surrounding it.

Our plan is to work for the day and head out to explore in the late afternoons and evenings. because we’re so close to lots of restaurants, bars and cafes, we’re a lot of looking forward to being in the middle of the action.

We’re just a few minutes walk from Campo de’ Fiori and we’ve already explored lots of of the sights in the city, so we won’t feel like we have to do “the touristy stuff” while we’re there (although we still do have to see the Vatican City).

We’re ecstatic to walk out of our front door and actually take pleasure in the nightlife. instead of settling in at 7:00 pm as we do here in Grenada, we can head out to a restaurant or white wine bar at that hour, take pleasure in a platter of meats and cheeses, some tasty red white wine and fresh homemade pasta. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

As digital nomads, we are fortunate to be able to work from anywhere, and by living in Rome for a while, we feel we’ll really be taking advantage of this lifestyle.

BUT Emme ole vain Roomassa koko ajan. Varasimme myös pari merkittävää kokemusta ympäri kaupunkia. Yksi on pastavalmistusluokka, jossa on 80-vuotias isoäiti pienessä romanttisessa kylässä noin tunnin junamatka Rooman ulkopuolella. Toinen on viinitarhan retki ja valkoviinimaistaja, myös kaupungin ulkopuolella.

Varasimme myös joitain kokemuksia kaupungissa, mukaan lukien maanalainen ruoka- ja valkoviinien kävelyretki, ja me keräämme joitain muita, joista voimme päättää, kun olemme siellä.

Olemme jo kirjoittaneet melko paljon Roomasta tähän blogiin, mutta viettäessään vielä 3 viikkoa kaupungissa, pystymme lisäämään tätä sisältöä ja antamaan sinulle todella paremman käsityksen tehtävistä pääloman ulkopuolella nähtävyydet.

Kirjoitamme myös Roomassa asuvista kokemuksistamme, mistä löytää asuntoja, Rooman parhaimpia lähiöitä, elinkustannuksia jne.

Tämä on iloinen paikka, emmekä voi odottaa tämän ajan yhdessä yhdessä … syödessään ja juomalla tietämme ympäri kaupunkia!


Lissabon on ollut ulkomailla asuvan säiliöluettelossa ottaen huomioon, että 2015, kun aloitimme kuulemisen kaupungista digitaalisissa nomadiryhmissä. Näyttää siltä, ​​että tällä lonkkalla ja kauniilla merenrantapääkaupungilla on kaikki. Kirkas pastellinvärinen arkkitehtuuri, viileä kaupungin keskusta, ärtyvät kaupunginosat, upeat ravintolat, viileät yhteistyöalueet ja suuri digitaalinen nomadiyhteisö, emme voi odottaa lopulta tutustua Lissaboniin.

Oleskelemme kirkkaassa huoneistossa tai huoneistossa aivan kaupungin päävihjeiden ja vilskeiden ulkopuolella (mikä voi ilmeisesti olla melko kovaa yöllä). Asumme Lissabonissa ja työskentelemme blogissa vähän yli 3 viikkoa. Aiomme osallistua joihinkin online -yrittäjyysseminaareihin, tavata joitain muita bloggaajia ja digitaalisia paimentolaisia ​​ja vain tutkia kaupunkia hetkeksi.

Tämän viestin kirjoittamisen jälkeen emme ole vielä varanneet kävelykierroksia, maanalaisia ​​retkiä tai Airbnb -kokemuksia, mutta aiomme ehdottomasti tehdä valkoviinimaistajaisia, joitain kulttuurisia ja historiallisia kävelyretkiä ja paikallisia ruoka -kokemuksia.

Asuessamme Lissabonissa muutaman viikon ajan, meillä on hyvä käsitys parhaista alueista, joilla oleskella Lissabonissa ja millaista on asua ja matkustaa sinne. Jaamme tämän blogin artikkeleita elinkustannuksista, näkemispaikoista, off-track-kokemuksista jne.

Toivottavasti pystymme myös ilmoittamaan siellä olevasta digitaalisesta nomad-kohtauksesta, tapahtumista ja tapahtumista sekä ympäri kaupunkia.

Tässä vaiheessa matkoissamme ympäri Eurooppaa, on aika tutkia kaupunkien ulkopuolella. Päätimme viettää melko vähän aikaa Roomassa ja Lissabonissa, koska meidän on tehtävä jonkin verran työtä liiketoiminnan parissa, mutta 6 viikon kuluttua meidän on oltava kiinni tarpeeksi päästäksemme ulos ja tutkiaksemme.

Tällä hetkellä suunnitelmamme on vuokrata auto ja ajaa Portugalin rannikolla katsomaan Porton kaupunkia ja joitain Algarven kaupunkeja … mutta mitään ei ole asetettu kiveen.

Lissabonin jälkeen?

Emme ole vielä varanneet mitään, mutta meillä on tällä hetkellä joitain merkittäviä ideoita, jotka kelluvat matka -aivojemme ympärillä. Aiomme pelata sitä korvalla ja nähdä, miltä meistä tuntuu kahden kuukauden kuluttua Euroopassa ja kuinka pitkälle olemme palvelusuunnitelmien kanssa, mutta jos olemme valmiita, ajattelemme näitä muutamia ideoita:

Koska voimme pysyä Schengen -alueella vain Euroopassa 90 päivää millä tahansa 180 päivän ajanjaksolla, ajattelemme, että voimme jättää Euroopan kokonaan kuukauden ajan ja suunnata Aasiaan. Ehkä asunto tai huoneisto Chiang Maissa tai vuokrakiinteistössä Balissa? Emme ole vielä tehneet päätöstä.


Olemme aina halunneet matkustaa Slovenian ympärillä ja erityisesti olemme kiinnostuneita asumisesta maan upeassa, vihreässä pääkaupungissa Lubjiannalle. Jos emme ole liian huolestuneita Schengen -viisumeistamme loppumassa, voimme suunnata Sloveniaan muutaman viikon ajan elääksemme ja matkustaa tämän retkeily- ja vaellusparatiisin ympäri.

Van Life?

This is something we’ve always wanted to do. We found a very cool