10 tekniikkaa kaikille, jotka haluavat ansaita rahaa ulkomaille
, kaikki haluavat ansaita rahaa. Jotkut ihmiset haluavat matkustaa. samoin kuin kaikki ihmiset, jotka haluavat matkustaa pitkäaikaisesti, haluavat ymmärtää tarkalleen kuinka ansaita rahaa ulkomaille varmistaakseen, että he voivat pidentää matkansa. Viimeisen 4 vuoden aikana olemme löytäneet lukuisia menetelmiä ansaita rahaa tiellä ja pysyäksesi ikuisesti. Suhtaudumme tällä hetkellä täysin, kun olemme riippumattomia monen ajan. Joten miten teemme sen? Jaamme temppuja täällä monien muiden menetelmien lisäksi, joista olemme kuulleet ja kokeiltuina tiellä.
Nämä eivät ole tekniikoita, jotka kuluttavat rahaa. Sinun ei tarvitse opiskella, päätyi lisensoimaan tai sinulla on 5 vuoden kokemus päästäksesi näihin töihin. Nämä ovat 10 tekniikkaa jokaiselle, joka haluaa ansaita rahaa ulkomaille.
”Suuri elämä on prosessi, ei olemisen määrittäminen. Se on suunta, ei kohde. ”
-Carl Rogers-
Vuohen huomautus: Nämä ovat alhaisemmat ymmärretyt menetelmät ansaita rahaa ulkomaille. Meillä on paljon tietoa matkablogista, mentorista englanniksi ja kotipaikasta.
1. Au -pari: Tämä konsepti on meille melko uusi, mutta ystävämme Yara on siinä www.heartofavagabond.com on mestari siinä. Au -pari on pohjimmiltaan lastenhoitaja, samoin kuin ympäri maailmaa tarjotaan paljon tehtäviä. Kaikki saattavat hyödyntää vähän apua kodin ympärillä, samoin kuin Au -pari on erinomainen tapa ylläpitää matkojasi. Tehtävät voivat maksaa erittäin hyvin kuin työskennellessäsi, kaikki majoituksesi ja ruokasi ovat tyypillisesti katettu. Ihanteellinen valtaviin säästöihin!
2. Työskentely hostelleissa: Tämä tekniikka on lopulta paljon enemmän ja paljon näkyvämpi retkeilijöiden keskuudessa ympäri maailmaa. Monissa tapauksissa matkustajat ilmestyvät hostellissa ja sen sijaan, että vain tarkastaisivat, he tarjoavat palvelujaan sekä taitojaan sijainnin ympärillä vastineeksi täysin ilmaisille majoitukselle sekä yleisesti ruokaa sekä palkkoja! Tämä ei ole vain erinomainen tapa rahoittaa seikkailujasi, mutta se on myös erinomainen tapa tyydyttää uusia ihmisiä ja löytää upeista uusista matkakohteista.
“Matkustamme muutama meistä ikuisesti etsimään muita valtioita, muita elämiä, muita sieluja.”
Anais nin
3. Barting: Oldie Kuitenkin hyvä. On paljon tehtäviä ympäri maailmaa. On hyödyllistä saada jonkin verran baarin kokemusta, mutta se ei ole aina pakollista. Jos haluat käydä virallisella reitillä, tarkista sivustot, kuten myös baartodistuksen opiskelu. Jos haluat vain tehdä muutaman nopean dollarin, siirry haluamasi baariin tiellä ja pyydä työtä. Ole miellyttävä, sosiaalinen ja innostunut sekä sinulla ei pitäisi olla mitään ongelmaa. Kaikki voivat kaataa cocktailin. This is the ideal task for people who like hanging out at the bar every night anyway as well as it typically includes great wages, good suggestions as well as affordable booze! It’s no question this has always been a traveller’s favourite.
4. WWOOFing: working on organic farms can be a extremely fruitful method of contributing to your travel piggy-bank while on the road. WWOOF (World broad chances On organic Farms) is a excellent organization that originally started in England in 1971, however can now be discovered from Kenya to Kazakhstan, Australia to America as well as all over in between. inspect out their site as well as discover exactly how you can get started WOOFing around the world. normally these tasks are in exchange for food as well as lodging only, however they offer travellers an incredibly important skill. discovering agriculture as well as organic farming can assist you to disconnect from the ruthless drone of the societal device as well as instruct you to not only sustain your travels, however to sustain yourself from the land.
“The supreme goal of farming is not the growing of crops, however the cultivation as well as perfection of human beings.”
― Masanobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution
5. Harvesting & Planting: get prepared to get filthy as well as sweaty to make a buck at these jobs. quickly discovered in Australia, new Zealand, north america as well as parts of Europe, harvesting as well as planting tasks can pay a quite cent if you work difficult enough. We’ve spoke with people who have left house without any money, chosen fruit in Australia as well as funded months of travels from their efforts. In Canada, you can make a excellent wage planting trees, however you much better get your rhythm down since you have to plant rapidly to make huge bucks in the forest. If you want to make money abroad, don’t neglect this type of work!
6.Freelance Writing: For people like us, who absolutely like composing as well as sharing our thoughts, stories as well as opinions with readers, freelance composing can be a excellent method to online a place independent way of life with some money in your pocket. It assists to already have a blog, which acts like your portfolio, however you don’t necessarily requirement one to begin freelancing. apply at locations like BloggingPro task Board as well as Freelance composing Gigs where you can get paid to compose on the internet to numerous countless readers. when you begin to develop up a reputation, tasks will begin popping up around the place.
“There is no higher agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
― Maya Angelou
7. working On A cruise Ship: This is one of the most profitable tasks you’ll discover while travelling. If you have a degree as well as some experience in hospitality, you ought to have no issue discovering a task aboard one of these sea-bound giants. Degrees as well as experience aren’t always obligatory, however they certainly help. cruise ships are an outstanding choice for those who like money as well as the open seas. just ask Wandering Earl who’s funded many of his travels from the crazy profits he’s made on cruise ships. It’s no walk in the park as well as you will certainly have to be prepared to online at sea for a few weeks at a time, however when you’ve completed a stint at sea, you can sail away with a pocket full of money to travel the world with.
8. selling pictures Online: “What??! You imply all of these remarkable sunset pictures I’ve been taking can really make me money?!” Well, if you have an eye for photography, a great video camera as well as a few pictures to get started, you might extremely well subsidize your travels with earnings earned from selling photos. inspect out sites like Shutter stock as well as Smug mug to get started, publish up a lot of distinct pictures as well as see exactly how it goes. I when satisfied a man who had made sufficient to support a backpacking trip with Southeast Asia solely on profits from his photos. His major suggestion was to be original as well as have a broad choice in your on the internet portfolio. For sure you’ll be taking pictures while travelling anyway, so why not try’n offer a few?
9. Translation / Editorial Jobs: Are you bilingual or at least great at correcting errors in your native language? inspect regional newspapers around the world as well as you’ll practically always discover task postings for translation as well as editing. Although many tasks are searching for native English speakers, there are lots of locations that will hire you so long as you have a great grasp on written English as well as English grammar. These tasks aren’t just for English speakers though, there are multilingual newspapers & magazines in practically every country as well as they commonly look for proof-readers as well as editors as well.
10. instruct Teach Teach: Do you understand exactly how to speak a language? instruct it. But, that’s not the only thing you can instruct abroad. Do you understand exactly how to dance? instruct it. Do you understand exactly how to play an instrument? instruct it. Do you understand exactly how to take photos? instruct it. actually any type of skill can be taught. show up in a country, lay down some roots for a few days as well as publish up flyers discussing your area of expertise, your cost, availability as well as why you’re the very best person to instruct that specific skill. add a regional phone number as well as a translation in the regional language (hire the man who went with technique #9) as well as wait on the phone calls to begin coming in. You’d be amazed exactly how numerous people are keen to discover a new skill, no matter where you are in the world.
“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.”
― Aristotle
So there you have it. 10 things that anybody can do to make money abroad. You don’t requirement to have a PHD, MBA or TEFL to make money abroad. The world is ending up being much more as well as much more facilitating for those who want to travel as well as work place independent. If you’re dreaming of travel however always utilize the reason “I just don’t have the money” then you ought to already be packing your bags as well as booking your ticket after reading this article.
There’s nothing stopping you from travelling the world, you just have to be innovative as well as take the leap into the unknown. The world is always thTarjota, jos noudatat polkua, joka tekee sinut onnelliseksi. Näiden 10 tekniikan pitäisi olla riittävä aloittamaan sinut sen jälkeen… kuka ymmärtää, mihin tie vie sinut.
Voimme näyttää sinulle niin lukuisia muita matkatehtäviä ja Internet -töissä! Älä missaa alla olevia laajoja oppaita, joiden avulla voit ansaita rahaa verkossa, tiellä tai puolella varmistaaksesi, että voit matkustaa pidempään!
Hanki maksettava verkossa: 99 julkaisua, jotka maksavat jopa 5000 dollaria / artikkeli
Kuinka ansaita rahaa kotoa: 11 kannattavaa sivuhalvaa, jonka voit aloittaa tänään
Kuinka ottaa maksettu Internet -tutkimuksissa ja ansaita rahaa tänään
Kuinka ansaita rahaa verkossa: Poliisi opas
Varmasti nämä eivät ole ainoat menetelmät ansaita rahaa ulkomaille … tarkalleen miten ylläpidät matkaelämää? Näytä meille alla!
Vastuuvapauslauseke: Vuohet tiellä on Amazon -kumppani ja samoin tytäryhtiö joillekin muille jälleenmyyjille. Tämä tarkoittaa, että teemme palkkioita, jos napsautat linkkejä blogissamme ja ostat kyseisiltä jälleenmyyjiltä.
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